Holistic, eclectic and strength-based approach
Where words fail, music speaks.
Hans Christian Andersen

Happy 5th Birthday to Con Brio Music Therapy!
It was registered as a business on 2 Jan 2019, after my daughter turned 1 year old. It started as the first inclusive music group at ClubCocoNut in Singapore.
Music therapy is not just the sugar on the cake. It is scientific, research-based, with substance. I went through a 4 years training in Bachelor of Music (Music Therapy) at the University of Queensland with 640 hours of clinical trainings and professional supervision at 2 children’s hospitals and a facility serving adults with disabilities in Brisbane.
have worked at a girls’ home and special schools in Hong Kong (I was a part time children’s choir conductor too), was a full time music therapist at an early intervention centre and a special school in
Singapore. After that I took no pay leave to look after my first born son for two years, and that’s when I started looking into early childhood music, and began my journey as an adjunct lecturer. It sounds like a dream come true but I was living a very humble life. Music Therapy is a very tough job, emotionally and physically.
Con Brio Music Therapy focuses on connection; it is holistic and uses a strength-based, and an eclectic approach (which means, the best approach that suits the individual client).
Thank you for seeing the magic in it. THANK YOU fellow Therapists for your referrals. THANK YOU for giving it a try, believing in its potential and allowing time for growth and healing to happen.
Music Therapy is a form of therapy, it is not a tuition nor enrichment classes. Therapy WILL come to termination, and that’s when goals are met and when skills are obtained or transferred. This also highlights how difficult it could be for a private practitioner to sustain a business that is authentic and non-salsey.
This mark my 14th year as a music therapist, and my 5th year owning a private practice. It is growing slowly but I hope my music/ sharing of musical strategies/ ideas have touched you in some ways.
- Jacqueline Chow (Founder of Con Brio Music Therapy, 3 Jan 2024)
Music therapy is the scientific and intentional use of music interventions within a therapeutic relationship towards observable or measurable functional, educational, rehabilitative or well-being outcomes by a university trained and credentialed professional. – Association for Music Therapy (Singapore)
Registered music therapists draw on an extensive body of research and are bound by a code of ethics that informs their practice. - Australian Music Therapy Association

Music is not just fun and pleasing to the ears. Its unique properties bring countless benefits to our health and well-being. Most importantly, music activates the whole brain!
Research in Barcelona has shown that fetuses in the wombs respond to music as early as 16 weeks gestation (Lopez-Teijon, Garcia-Faura & Prats-Galino, 2015). They believe that music induces a response through vocalization movements because it activates brain circuits that stimulate language and communication. This research has suggested that learning in a fetus begins as early as 16 weeks gestation, and fetus learns from listening to mommy's heartbeat, talking and singing voice.
Numerous research in music therapy, premature infants and the song of kin have been done in the NICU in promoting growth in infants, and emotional well-being in their parents (Loewy, 2015). Research has also indicated that singing to our babies create bonds and stimulate development. The effect of infant-directed singing is as effective as book reading, playing with toys, but far more effective then listening to prerecorded music (De l'Etoile et al, 2017). This highlights the lifelong effects music has in our development.
De l’Etoilea, S., Behuraa, S., Zopluoglu, C. (2017). Acousticparameters of infant-directed singing in mothers of infants with down syndrome. Infant Behavior and Development, 49, 151–160
Loewy, J.V. (2015). NICU music therapy: song of kin as critical lullaby in research and practice. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1337, 178–185.
Lopez-Teijon, M., Garcia-Faura, A. & Prats-Galino, A. (2015). Fetal Facial expression in response to intravaginal music emission. Ultrasound, 23(4), 216-223
Scientists have studied our brains under fMRI scans when we are listening to music. Our brain scans light up like fireworks, supporting the idea that music activates the whole brain (Alluri et al., 2013) .
The processing of musical pulse recruits motor areas in the cerebellum and cerebrum, that explains why music and movement are closely intertwined.
An example would be how we walk to the background music when we are shopping, or how we tend to run faster in the gym when listening to upbeat music. In music therapy, persons with strokes are found to have improved cadence, gait velocity, stride lengths and symmetry when walking with music using a technique called Rhythmic Auditory Stimulation in neurologic music therapy (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4905905/).
Limbic areas of the brain, known to be associated with emotions, were also found to be involved in rhythm and tonality processing.For example, songs with a minor key or slower pulse seem to be more sentimental; whereas songs with a major key or faster tempo seem to be more happier and festive.
Processing of timbre is associated with activation in the so-called default mode network, which is assumed to be associated with mindwandering and creativity.
Alluri et al. (2013). From Vivaldi to Beatles and back: Predicting lateralized brain responses to music, NeuroImage, 83, 627–636.
A person with Broca's Aphasia can't talk, but can sing
Music has the ability to access and stimulate brain regions that may not be accessible through other modalities.
A person with Broca's aphasia may have lost the ability to talk but is able to sing, and eventually communicate using speech again! Speech is processed in the left hemispheres of our brain whereas music is processed in ALL areas. Alternative neuropathways for speech are created using a technique called Melodic Intonation Therapy.

Jacqueline is the founder of Con Brio Music Therapy, Registered Music Therapist (RMT- Australia), Adjunct Lecturer and curriculum developer of early childhood music (National Institute Of Early Childhood Development, NIEC), Programme Lead at the Methodist School of Music, mother of three, with experience working with children of all abilities in children’s hospitals from Australia, early intervention, and special education settings in Hong Kong and Singapore.
Jacqueline graduated from the University of Queensland with Bachelor of Music (Music Therapy) Class I Honours in 2010. Musically, she completed her Associate Diploma A.Mus.A in Piano with the renowned pianist Miss Pamela Page. She was also trained in conducting and Kodaly. For Music Therapy, she studied from Dr Felicity Baker, Dr Jeanette Kennelly and Dr Vicky Abad. She has received advance training in Neurologic Music Therapy, and NICU music therapy training course - First Sounds: Rhythm, Breath and Lullaby International Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Training. Her professional practice includes early intervention, special education, pediatric rehabilitation, burns and surgical, and pediatric mental health.
Chow, J., Tan, M. L., & Foo, Z. Y. (2024). Music & well-being: A guide for youths. http://tiny.cc/musicandwellbeing
Chow, J. (2023). Be your own songwriter. In P. Deroose (Ed.), heartline, Official Publication of Singapore Heart Foundation (Dec 2023 to Feb 2024). https://www.myheart.org.sg/tools-resources/heartline-magazine/#magazine-2
Chow, J. (2023). International Snapshots: Singapore. In P. Kern (Ed.), Colors of us: Adaptive Music Making In Early Childhood Settings, 14(1), 43. De La Vista Publisher. www.imagine.musictherapy.biz
Chow, J. (2022). "The Ukulele- The Beginner Booklet". Self-published.
Chow, J., & Lauw, E. (2020). Singapore. In P. Kern (Ed.), Colors of us: Early Childhood music therapy (pp.286-293). De La Vista Publisher. www.imagine.musictherapy.biz
Poster Presentation:
Chow, J., & Leung, J. (2017). Making Music Being Well Hong Kong (MMBWHK) - 5 years and counting. Poster Presentation. World Federation of Music Therapy. – World Congress of Music Therapy – Japan
Curriculum developed:
"Using Musical activities for Infants’ and Toddlers’ Holistic Development (0 to 3 years old)"
– Customized CPD for M.Y World – NIEC in 2023
"Music and Movement For Young Children" – ACECCE – NIEC in 2023
“Using Music In The Infant Classroom”– CPD– NIEC in 2020
“Using Music For Classroom Management” – CPD– NIEC in 2020
Workshops conducted:
Wellness/ Self-care Workshop
Self-care, Self-compassion and Mindfulness – Methodist School Of Music – In-service – 24 Oct 2024
Using Music For self-care and Emotional Support– Eunoia Junior College – 19 July 2023
Listen to Your Heart: Music Therapy- National Gallery Singapore- Gallery Wellness Festival- AMTS Initiatives- 9 July 2023
"Self-care with Music"- Bank Julius Baer –10 October 2022
"Self-Care through music- Be your own Song Writer" – Music Therapy Day - Association For Music Therapy, Singapore - 28 May 2022
"A Breather with Music- For the body, mind and soul – Discovery Talk, National Technology Singapore - 29 November 2021
“Self-care with music for staff” – NCSS on 12 March 2020
“Joy Through Music/Melody” – Caregiving with Joy Seminar at Yishun Community Hospital in October 2019
“A Lunch Date with a Music Therapist” – Arts&Health Festival – Ng Teng Fong General Hospital and Jurong Community Hospital in 2017
Teachers/ Parents/ Therapists' Training​​​​
Introducing Mindfulness and Co-regulation Strategies in helping children manage big feelings– AMTS SPED/ EIC Professional Development Day – Rainbow Centre (YPS) – 27 Nov 2024
"Bonding with Baby: A Musical Approach" – Ticketed Workshop – Music For Everyone Day – Methodist School Of Music – 23 Nov 2024 (Upcoming- register at bit.ly/musicforeveryoneday )
"Keys to Joyful Learning – Nurturing The Whole Child In Music Education with Sensory and Emotional Considerations" – Methodist School of Music – 27 July 2024
"Engaging Young Children with Music" – Star Learners – 20 July 2024
Keys to Joyful Learning – Yamaha, Singapore –28 May 2024
Nurturing the Musical Infant: Observe, Respond and Create- SUSS Early Childhood Education Conference 2023 – 18 November 2023
" Using Music in the Early Intervention Classrooms" – Fei Yue Early Intervention –13 September 2023
"Using Music to support classroom management and co-regulations" – Singapore American School – 11 September 2023
"Music" –Customized workshop (Topics included: Musical Developmental Milestones; Musical Stories; Promoting Literacy Using Music; Transition Songs; Chinese Songs; Improvisation Using Musical instruments) – Bambini Childcare – 15 April 2023
"Using Musical activities for Infants’ and Toddlers’ Holistic Development (0 to 3 years old)" – Customized CPD for M.Y World – 11 April 2023 and 25 April 2023
Co-regulations through Music- Using Music to Calm Your Child" – PCF Parents-child Education Workshop –25 March 2023
"Ukulele In The Preschool Classrooms" – Con Brio Music Therapy – 15 Nov and 8 Dec, and 26 Nov and 17 Dec 2022
"Reflect, Learn and Grow- a workshop based on 10 things I wish I knew as a music therapist 10 years ago" - Music Therapy- Special Ed Retreat- Association For Music Therapy, Singapore - 15 June 2022
"Play- from the perspective of a music therapist" – SaccaPlaySeries – 11 December 2021
"Bonding Through Music- Using Music At Home For Social-Emotional Support" – Panelist – PCF Parents Conference 2021- , Sparkle Tots on 26 November 2021
“Using Music Intentionally In The Classroom To Promote Engagement and learning” – Developmental Clinic, Sparkle Tots on 7 August 2021
“Using Music In The Infant Classroom”– CPD– NIEC– Ongoing
“Using Music For Classroom Management” – CPD– NIEC– Ongoing
“Basic Ukulele In the Preschool Classrooms” – Bambini Childcare on 15 March 2021
“Music Strategies and Basic Ukulele Skills in Supporting Learning in the Special Ed Classroom” – Cerebral Palsy Centre on 17 and 18 March 2020
“Interacting with Babies” – NIEC Staff Training at NP Campus in August 2019
“Music Strategies to support Learning and Emotional Well-being in the SPED Classroom – Cerebral Palsy Centre in September 2019
“Interacting with Babies” – NIEC Staff Training at NP Campus in September 2019
“Embracing Diversity” – NIEC Staff Training at NP Campus in January 2019

For more updated videos, follow me on instagram.com/conbriomusictherapy, j4brown.tumblr.com or Facebook.

Your child will be seen for 1:1 individualized music therapy sessions weekly for a course of 10-12 sessions. The first two to three sessions will be assessment sessions to identify your child's strengths and needs, and to set goals accordingly. This is followed by weeks of treatment sessions. Evaluation of the child's progress will be done after each session and a segment of 12 sessions to determine if the goals are achieved. New goals will be set if deemed appropriate. Otherwise, service will be terminated.

If your child has a group of friends of similar needs and/or abilities, I am happy to provide music therapy sessions in a group setting at your convenient time and location.
Drop me a message if you would like to be a part of these groups:
1. For new moms and dads in strengthening the bonds between you and your infants with the use of music.
2. For parents and children with developmental delays, Down syndrome, William syndrome, and/or multiple disabilities.
3. For parents and children with autism.

I have had vast experiences in giving public workshops to allied health professionals, medical staff, teachers and parents for the purpose of training and professional development.
See the lists of workshops I have conducted in Singapore at my bio page. ​​​​​I am happy to collaborate with your organizations on topics that suit your needs.

Jacqueline designed for us a short but practical 2-hour session to empower teachers with the necessary knowledge to use music in the classroom. In that short 2 hours, she was able to change our mindsets on how using music can be simple and easy, even if we are not musically inclined.It is always a joy working with Jacqueline, because of her professionalism and most importantly her heart for the children!
Lee Sin Yee
Senior Early Intervention Teacher
Fei Yue Early Intervention Programme for Infants and Children
​My 8 year-old was having difficulty with emotional regulation, and was easily frustrated and prone to explosive tantrums. During his one-on-one music therapy sessions with Jacqueline, he opened up about what made him unhappy and, through sounds and music, learned a new way to calm himself down. Jacqueline also helped our family understand what our child was thinking and feeling, enabling us to change our approach too. We have seen a lot of improvement in his behaviour after just a few sessions.
Serena Ng
Mother of an 8-year-old boy
Thank you for the course (Music Strategies and Basic Ukulele Skills In Supporting Learning In the Special Ed Classroom), I really benefited a lot from it and had incorporated some of your sharing into our curriculum planning (the music and movement lesson design bell curve). We hope that you are alright with it. We have acknowledged and credited you for the reference of the bell curve in our planning.
Lynn Sim
Jacqueline’s workshop was practical and enjoyable. It was filled with lots of melodious tunes, gently guiding teachers on how they can use it in their classrooms to promote engagement, participation and regulation in children. There were tips and strategies that even the non-musically inclined of us would be eager to unleash the songwriter in us. Thank you so much for such a rich and informative sharing, Jacqueline!
Alison Choo
Senior SLT- Sparkletots
We only choose (Babies Con Brio) music group because I find most baby classes nowadays very commercial, focusing too heavily on tasks. Children at this stage should be allowed to be themselves. I like how my baby and I can relax and have fun here.
Mother of a 15 Months Old
It was always a pleasure working with Jacqueline. We ran Music and Language/Social Skills classes together and I watched her calm children with behavioural/anxiety issues so quickly with her music. Therapy sessions were always enjoyable. Her students were given opportunity to work on their communication skills through techniques such as song writing and even as simple as learning to make choices using musical instruments and songs. Jacqueline provided the space for her students to grow and learn, with her professionalism and passion for helping both verbal and non verbal students achieve their communication goals. By the end of the school year, it was always amazing to see our students' progress. To name a few, our students were able to participate for a full 45 minute session, greet appropriately, take turns, play musical instruments to specified tempo and volume by following instructions and paying attention to storytime. These communication goals would without doubt be much harder to achieve without Jacqueline's involvement. Thank you for doing what you do Jacqueline and with all my heart, I wish you only the best in your career as a Music Therapist.
Harin Sroya
​Speech and Language Therapist
Jacqueline is a wonderful music therapist! The resources that she brings into class are always age appropriate and are all designed to improve sensory motor planning and finger strength of our students! The diversity of percussion instruments provided allow our students to participate in choice making and improve eye-hand coordination as well. Her knowledge of how to facilitate parent child engagement during therapy sessions brings fun and laughter to all participants and helps enhance bonding among the younger children and their caregivers. Our students and their families look forward to music therapy sessions every week! Additionally, communication and attention span of the students are being promoted when they are engaged during the sessions. The various improvisations and spontaneous creativity of her music therapy sessions enable us to see disabilities turn into abilities and it has definitely been such a privilege to work with her and learn from her.
Deborah Ng
Early Interventionist
En attended Jacqueline’s music sessions since he was four months old. We both enjoyed Jacqueline’s interesting and engaging sessions very much. The thing that impressed me the most was how Jacqueline can follow children’s lead and incorporate any baby sounds into music. It proves that young babies can make music too!